Sunday, May 15, 2011

Vicoden is My Friend

For someone who hates to take medicine, never thought I'd be so glad they made this one.  LOL  I'm anxious to learn how they're going to treat my pancreatitis while attacking the cancer since the pancreatitis is what's causing all this pain.  Hoping I don't end up a drug addict at the end of this journey. LOL  I rested most of today and let the recent news sink in.  I think it's still so hard to believe, I was so convinced they'd be able to do surgery right away and just take this out. :(   Excited to see my parents next week, and Ryan called me and is going to try and come up for Memorial weekend so having my family here at our new house will be just priceless!  Really want to thank you all so much for your loving thoughts and prayers...and yes, I know about the pancreas symposium in Seattle next week.  Not something I can attend, but thank you for letting me know about it.  Tim and I are talking about having a BBQ pot luck here at the house so you all can visit and see our new crib before I get too sick (will wait and set the date after we meet with the Dr. on Wednesday and know the treatment plan). LIVE WITH PASSION! ~DJ


  1. It's okay we can sign you up for rehab after you kick the cancer out;)
    Would love come to see you after all these years, meet the new beau and see the crib...I may have to bring little man but we will be there! xoxoxo

  2. Hi, Dawn!

    I was glad to check your blog and see that your dad and stepmom will be with you this week. They will, I'm sure, provide lots of support and comfort over this coming treatment period.

    Please know that you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. I wish there was a way to roll all of your stress and anxiety into a ball and shoot it off like a T-shirt gun. Be sure to ask your doc about some meds for anxiety; you need to have some peace and calm as you endure all of these changes to your daily life.

    I read all of your blog postings to Kevin tonight. We will watch for your progress reports and pray always for good news.

    Our love to you always, Linda and family

    "…I am the LORD, who heals you"
    Exodus 15:26

  3. Dawn -
    This is only a mere stumbling block for you. Your power and strength will overcome this and you will end up healthier and stronger! If there is anything we can do for you let us know. Love, Rob & Pam
