Saturday, May 14, 2011


Yesterday was a L O N G day, couldn't eat or drink anything all day long so was a Ms. GrumpyPants going in. LOL  The gals in the operating room were awesome and fell inlove with my eyelashes so I had them jump on MeMeandCompany website and make sure they ask for Frannie...few of them want eyelashes just like mine!  LOL Here's what I know, at least one of the blood markers came in indicating this IS cancer and one of the other tests confirmed pancreatitis. Bad news is the tumor is slightly attached to the artery so they are going to have to shrink it first before they can operate.  Good news, it doesn't appear as though the cancer has spread.  Just resting today (my throat and esophagus are killing me) and back to work tomorrow.  Rest of the results from the ultra sound and biopsy will be in my next Tuesday. LIFE WITH PASSION! ~DJ


  1. I'm sorry Dawn not the news anyone wanted to hear...I will pray hard the chemo shrinks that horrible tumor and you can be rid of it!
    Rest well today:)

  2. I commented last night but its not showing and the other day...hmmm...fussy site!

  3. When you are ready I'm here for a chat. I miss your laugh and lol on the screen is not a suitable substitution. I adore you Xo. Bridget
