Wednesday, May 25, 2011


First and foremost I have to say THANK YOU for all your support and prayers!  THE PRAYERS ARE WORKING!  Yesterday went as well as it possibly could!!
I went into the operating room with a great attitude and made sure I heard everyone in there laughing before I went under.  How could anything go wrong with everyone so happy, right??  It was even cute, Dr. Ryan said we were both lucky because of who the anesthesiologist was, she takes great care with her patients and to his benefit, she's beautiful!!  Not sure I wanted the competition in the operating room but I feel in love with her the moment I met her.  (I think he's got a secret crush on her) LOL
Now, when I woke up I was a train wreck!  I was in pain and beyond emotional, all I could do was cry.  The nurses were so sweet explaining that was a normal response but I looked around and didn't see anyone else crying??  LOL  Apparently, the reality of all this is starting to settle in and become very real for me.  Real pain and real emotions.  Needless to say, I didn't feel very well the rest of the day.  This surgery was much more involved than I had expected.  I assumed a couple cameras going in couldn't hurt that bad.  WRONG!  My muscles are so sore like I had a c-section on top of my stomach.........What's up with that??  And I thought I was going to be ready for a 10 course meal but due to the nausea I could barely drink sips of water.  Hmm, not much of a Dukan diet day, that's for sure.  Thank you for the cards, phone calls, text messages, Tim and I are both overwhelmed with amazing support and I know it's all the prayers on my behalf that are having an impact on this journey.  Dr. Ryan didn't see anything yesterday that indicated the cancer has spread, but won't know for sure until the biopsy comes back tomorrow.  Dr. Picozzi (my oncologist) will have the results at our appointment tomorrow.  I'm so grateful for all that I have that it's hard for me to pray for seems selfish to ask for anything more than God has already given me, so I appreciate your prayers more than you possibly know!!  I have been praying for Karen (one of Tim's friends that just had a tumor removed from her brain last week) and for Leyah in our office who is out on medical leave.  They need the prayers just as much as I do.  I want to have everyone over and give them a huge hug but know I'm such an emotional mess right now, I'm not good company.  Please know I love you so much and feel as though I'm the luckiest person in the world to have you all in my corner.  I told my Dad last night that I know once I'm done with this journey I will probably know a better place to support the fight against cancer than ACS.  I really want to make a bigger ripple in helping and am sure this journey will teach me one.  I know each of you is fighting your own battle in your life and the fact that you take time to care and pray for me, is amazing!!  Hope I get to see you soon, and thank you too for helping Tim, this is hard on him but he's being so strong for me.  I'm so blessed to have him love me so much as well as all of you.  LIVE WITH PASSION~DJ


  1. Dawn you are such a wonderful person that during this time you also want people to pray for otheers. What a courageous person and heartfelt you are. You deserve to sail through all these appointments with the joy of knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Prayers and love to you! Pamela XOXO

  2. Such great news, Dawn! Here's another quote for you, who loves quotes:

    “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

    ~Melody Beattie

    Love from all of the Wold Family!!
