Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day of Rest...

I am so grateful for an amazing day yesterday (even the sunshine came out of my pocket!).  After my lashes (which by the way devastating news, my Frannie is moving to Utah) so hopefully the new gal can fill her lash shoes.  LOL  I got to visit with Alicia and LeAnn and am so excited they are planning a BUNKO fundraiser at Twin Lakes Golf and Country club on my behalf ~HOW FUN WILL THAT BE?~  Then I got to relax in the sun with sis (Cheryl) and Chris and even see Ian and Erica and their two boys.  Really was so wonderful getting to see them all!!  Then off to Valerie and Jim's where I also got to see more of their family and one of dearest friends Sandy who gets prettier every time I see her.  How she do that? LOL Then I had to rush home to beat Bill and Jackie to my house for dinner, they brought over the most amazing ribs and I really loved catching up.  Jackie and I date back to 1981 when I stood up in a classroom in college and said I needed a roommate and she popped out of her chair!  LOL  They are always such a kick to hang out with.  I felt a stuffy nose coming on so was in bed by 9PM and a fever set in, UGH!  So, am worried I'm coming down with a sinus infection.  I did sleep in this morning so that was good!  Tim and my Dad got to enjoy the amazing Mariner/Yankee game together and had a great time last night too!!  Thank you so much for dinner Bill and Jackie.  My stomach is feeling better each day, the bloating goes down a little and my muscles are starting to work again, YEA!  I'm going to take it easy today and rest as much as I can.  We are planning to meet my parents and nephew at Snoqualamie Casino and see if we can make it rain there LOL  (that's what my sons' call it when you win money gambling) LOL  It's really weird, I remember years ago talking to Carmen about us getting to that age when our friends are going to start getting sick and here I am, the first one.  I am trying to negotiate with God that since he gave me such a big one that by surviving this, he can't get any of my peeps sick!  The rest get to die of old age!!  Valerie was really able to get me out of my own shoes yesterday and into hers and made me realize how important it is for me to let the people that love me, help me in whatever way that want and can.  I'm not used to receiving and hate asking for help (as she knows) and it brought tears to my eyes to even think about one of you getting cancer.  I know I'm not alone on that journey and for that I'm so grateful!  I can't begin to tell how how big your kind words of support put such a big ripple in my day making it brighter and happier.  I obviously have the most amazing friends AND boyfriend (Tim) as I think most boyfriends would have kick to me to curb by now with this much baggage LOL but Tim is not letting go of my hand and I love him more than ever and am thankful this is bringing us even closer together.  I can feel all my relationships getting stronger, what a blessing that is!!  It's emotional seeing my closest girlfriends hurting for me but I'm glad I'm the one God chose, and not them.  I didn't grow up with any sisters so God gave me the most amazing girlfriends that have got me through the highs and lows in my lifetime.  My brother and I are best friends across the miles but God even gave me a handful of guy friends that are also like big brothers to me (Ed and Larry~thank you!!)  From where I sit, you can't help but see all the good and beautiful things on this journey, the tumor is just a tumor, everything else is a miracle and gift from God.  I love you all so much!!  and thank you for taking time out of your busy life, and time away from the struggles you are going through to support me on mine.  LIVE WITH PASSION~DJ


  1. DJ your love of life and people is astounding. Every single one of us is so fortunate to know you and share your journey. SO glad your amiga Val is helping you to see how important it is to accept help with grace. All just the return of your wonderful love, passion and energy. Wishing you an outstanding day.... Every day!! <3 Shari

  2. DJ - Ditto to what Shari said. You are such a positive person to be around and you are kind. What do you expect? ;o) Here's a morning hug and a wish for a nice day and "rain" at the casino. Love, Tara

  3. I recently read a book called "90 minutes in Heaven" it is based on a true story about a pastor who was traveling home from a conference and was hit head on and instantly killed in the crash...the paramedics at the scene delared him dead for 90 minutes...he was revived through prayer and the story goes on talking about his experience in Heaven and how he had to let go of his pride and let his friends help him through his recovery process which took years...he later realized he was taking away their happiness by shutting them out;)
    Enjoy your lazy Sunday mine was yesterday enjoyed my new Netflix...supposed to go to a fundraiser weather doesn't look promising though...
