Friday, May 20, 2011


WOW~ Expected to break 70 degrees today!  We're almost getting to sunscreen weather!!  I slept well last night.  Tim and I had dinner over at my parents house and when I say house, I mean 40' Motor Coach.  It was fun, it was like camping yet watching American Idol on a flat screen at the same time (You go Lauren!).  MaMa Lou (my step-mother) is always a great hostess, she made spaghetti and salad and we had couple good bottles of wine.  YES ~ I drank!  Life is too short not to drink good wine.
I'm super excited to see Tanner tonight!  He and Amanda are coming over for a family BBQ and my nephew Jon will be joining us too!  Just want Tanner to see I'm doing well and assure him he needs to stay focused on school.  They leave to go back to Pullman for summer school in the morning. I'm dying to see the pics from their Jamaica trip!!  Tim's picking up a table for our nook today so we'll have seating for 4 more now.  Funny, we had 3 tables at the old house and none here???  LOL  I received a card yesterday from Tim's brother and wife (THANK YOU) and added to my display on the mantel to keep reminding me how lucky I am to be loved so much!!  I know I have not accepted that I might be getting very sick here shortly but believe my mind can overcome anything ~ even chemo!! Ryan still calling daily to check on me, it's so sweet.  Please take a moment and really be grateful for your health!  Without it, you really don't have much. LIVE WITH PASSION!


  1. Get all that wine in while you can...soon you won't want to drink with the chemo so drink it up my friend:) it messes with my acid reflex I had to give up red wine soo heartbroken still:(
    Happy to hear you have so much support...hope to see you sometime soon!

  2. Enjoy that yummy wine and have a sip for me too! Lol! It is always nice to have the support of family...enjoy the weekend. Stay strong and positive. Prayers and love to you! Pamela

  3. Another positive moment, brought to you by . . . You are AMAZING!!!! Kim's correct - drink what you can now, as the chemo will make it less desirable. Enjoy your weekend. Love, T.
