Monday, May 23, 2011

Day Before Surgery

I actually felt good when I woke up today, anxious to get back to work but after drinking that 12 oz. of cherry flavored salty laxative required, I feel HORRIBLE.  I am not sure which end this is going to come flushing out though, UGH!  LOL  You're welcome for that visual LOL 
Tim and I started at our diet far so good although Tim didn't like my oat bran pancakes (not going to win any recipe contest with them but it was a good bread substitute or so I thought. LOL
My spirits are good and am sure surgery will go great tomorrow and I expect positive feedback when I wake up to learn that the cancer cells have NOT spread!!  Pray extra hard tonight!!  Thank you again everyone for your comments, suggestions and all your love!  I have the most amazing friends!! LIVE WITH PASSION! ~DJ


  1. You are on the top of my prayer list, DJ. Sending love and positive thoughts your way!

  2. Our love and prayers are with you, Dawn! May God shine his light on you and your family tomorrow and through the days ahead. Keep up your positive outlook--you are so admired for your energy and strength! Stay strong and keep that inner glow! Love to you always, Linda and family

    “Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.”
    ~George Iles

  3. DJ sending you all positive energy and love for this day and the BEST possible outcome!! <3
