Thursday, May 26, 2011

the aftermath of my first oncology date

I am not sure I can put into words how I'm feeling at this moment in time.  We learned so much today from Dr. Picozzi that I'm just not sure where to start.
My cancer is in Stage3a, but he says that doesn't matter.  Being treated for pancreas cancer at VM (especially since mine is so rare) is the best place in the world to be treated!  We all love Dr. Picozzi!!  and it's a good thing because he has me scheduled for 6 months of chemotherapy.  THEN, hopefully the tumor will have moved and/or be small enough to operate and remove.  My chemo will start next week (we just have to wait for group health's approval).  Good news is there were no cancer cells in the wash indicating the cancer has not spread.  Dr. Picozzi said that is still no guarantee as cancer can spread and be undetectable.  It was like with every good news, we got bad news so we all left I think not knowing exactly how to feel..........confused??  but happy yet sad.....LOL  I will go in for treatment once a week (2 weeks on then 1 week off) and this will go on for 9 weeks, then they will do another catscan to see if  it is working, then back on the program again for 9 weeks, repeat, etc. for 6 months.  So, this journey is going to last longer than I had expected...DARN IT! and I will lose my hair.......LOL  (OK, wig shopping here I come) but there is no way to tell if I will be very sick or not, as chemo affects everyone differently.  I'm young though, 15 years younger than the average pancreas cancer patient.  Did you know pancreas cancer is the worse cancer to get?  It is the most aggressive and used to be a death sentence, but Dr. Picozzi has helped revolutionize how they treat it......his survivor rates are much much higher than the national average!!  OH YEA, WHO'S YOUR DR.??  LOL  He gave us all these really cool purple pancreas cancer awareness bracelets so I am going to go online and order a bunch more so any of you that would like to wear one, I will give you one.  I am not going to lie, I am very scared but I find so much peace in the support that you all give me.  It's hard to explain but please know every time you write or send a card, or call, or brings joy and faith to me on this journey.  I love you all so much and I plan to schedule my chemo treatments on Thursday (each treatment takes 4 hours) that was depressing news but I think keeping them to the afternoon will hopefully allow me to work more hours.  I can even work from my laptop while getting chemo!  They let you bring your own food and drinks..........they have a tv in the room so hope I can make a positve expereince out of my time there.  My Dad and MamaLou and Tim are right here by my side every step of the way.  I am so thankful for them, not sure I could make it without them being so close. I love you all.......and thank you for continued support.  LIVE WITH PASSION ~ DJ


  1. Just a thought...if you are going to lose your hair maybe you should just go for it and cut it really short once you get started and donate your beautiful hair to someone who needs it...kind of giving back the love:)
    Sad to hear it's stage 3 but I have heard many times that once you have symptoms it's typically about the stage...but happy to know it hasn't spread I THINK THAT'S GREAT take it day to day. I wish I had Thursdays free to help keep you company I have my little man. Keep juicing and please check out that one juice I told you about "Naked" the Green have to stay healthy during this process to keep up your strength.
    P.S. still not letting me sign in so this works as anonymous I just have to sign my

  2. DJ we're all going to be wearing those purple bracelets! You've got such a good team of medical people beside you through this and friends and family to help you through. It is scary news but so good that the cancer has not spread. I have another friend undergoing chemo right now and she does her computer work and makes phone calls while she's there. You are going to get through this with all of your usual style and grace. XXOO

  3. Well now you've done it, everyone knows it's Thursdays and now there'll be fights over visitation rights lol. I think a Dawn Thursday sign up is in order, I demand a few blocked out for me. We get to bring our own food/drinks right? Sounds like a patio party at Dawns ha ha. They might have to rewrite the rules for us. Sending you some internet Karma, hugs and support. Who loves ya baby!
