Friday, May 13, 2011


Blogger went down yesterday so I'm behind but will get you caught up.  I had a great consult yesterday with the PA on my team and Dr. Jiranek who's performing my endoscopy procedure today.  They even showed me my actual catscan and explained everything to me and what they are most concerned about and why.  Biggest concern at this point is the location of the tumor.  It's dangerously close to a main artery so they need to determine if it is even operable. They won't be able to operate if it's attached or too close to the main artery, so will try to reduce it with chemo and radiation to a size that will allow them to remove it once it's far enough from the main artery.  They took A LOT of blood work yesterday and chest x-ray to insure my lungs are well enough to undergo surgery.  (I have bad asthma so that's why they're checking).  Sounds like we will know a lot more by Tuesday when all the results from today's procedure will come in.  From what I understand I will be out of it after the endoscopy today so will probably not get a chance to write again until later on Saturday to let you know what we learned and how I did.  I can tell you this, I HAVE AN AWESOME MEDICAL TEAM working on my case.  They are the best and people come from all over the country to be treated for pancreas cancer here so I'm in very good hands.  Praying hard that the tumor is operable so they can just remove it right away!  LIVE WITH PASSION! ~DJ

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