Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I heart Dr. Ryan!

First, I have to say I LOVE my surgeon (Dr. Ryan).  He has a great bedside manner and promised to give me the best care and attention Virginia Mason has to offer.  You should have heard the amazing letter he dictated to my family Dr. Byrne thanking him for catching this so early and getting me to Virginia Mason so quickly.  IMPRESSIVE!!!!
Next step is the Laparoscopy surgery next Tuesday which will tell them if any of the cancer cells have spread followed by beginning my treatment plan with my oncologist next Thursday (could be in chemo as early as Friday).  Most likely will have a couple months of chemo/radiation, then Whipple surgery to remove the tumor, with few more months of chemo.  He told me to expect at least a six month journey.  UGH
My parents are here so it's comforting and takes a lot of stress of Tim.  I'll feel better after my owner knows and I have the opportunity to tell Tanner.
I've got some new pain meds and ambien to help me sleep so now I just need to accept this is a longer journey than I wanted.  Obviously I have a 100 chemo questions so guess I have another week to those answers.  Dr. said I need to work out, be strong, and fit as possible before surgery so hope to start a diet tomorrow with Tim.  Always easier when you have a partner in crime!


  1. OMG....Ambien has done strange things to me....said things in my sleep I would never tell anyone! Enjoy and Tim this is your time for her to talk about all her secrets. No fun, she has none! Love you Dawn and keep strong!Love, Pam

  2. There is a juice called "Naked" try the Green Machine it's all natural you can find it in the produce section at most grocery stores...check out the ingredients it has 2 very important ingredients that are good for people who are exposed to radiation as well as some other things...very good for you!
    Glad to hear they are getting started no time to waste!!!

  3. Lunesta is a great choice, as far as sleeping aides go, DJ. Glad they are taking such good care of you and that you have family around. Keep your positive attitude. Love, T.
