Saturday, May 21, 2011

Soggy Saturday

..Somehow when the sunshine left, so did my energy.  I ended up sleeping most of today.  We had an incredible evening with my immediate family so I got to bed later than usual.  I didn't feel good most of the day, woke up feeling bloated and pressure and it just progressively got worse as the day went on.  Tonight I got a little emotional with Tim, in the back of my mind I'm scared.  Scared that my treatment is so aggressive that it will make me sick and my biggest fear is not being able to work.  Thursday just can't get here soon enough.........starting my list of questions for the oncologist so I don't forget to ask them while I'm there.  I did some research and my oncologist Dr. Picozzi actually played a major role in this special VMP treatment for pancreas cancer so it just reassures me that I'm in the best care available!  Tim and I start our diet tomorrow (goal is for me to drop 30 lbs. before surgery in a couple months).  I really do want to make my Whipple surgery as easy as possible for Dr. Ryan since the location is challenging enough.  Hope tomorrow is a pain free day!!  Two more pain pills down and off to bed.  LIVE WITH PASSION! ~DJ


  1. Doll, just take things one day at a time! Remember that what you focus on expands, so rather than thinking about how sick you MIGHT get, let's stand together on how LITTLE you're going to feel sick from the treatment, that your pain and discomfort will be little to NONE, that your side effects will be little to NONE! Fear is not from God... Joshua 1:9 tells us, "This is My command - be STRONG and COURAGEOUS! Don't be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord YOUR God is WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO." Dawn, I KNOW that you ARE a STRONG and COURAGEOUS woman who has faced and OVERCOME MANY obstacles in your life. You WILL get through this! Don't EVER doubt that or let fear take hold of your thoughts! Love you! -Di <3

  2. You would be insane not to be afraid. That said, you are also incredibly brave. It's not letting the fear dictate your course. Hold steady and know there are many good people around to help pick you up along the way--lugs, bridget
