Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I called the general surgery at Virginia Mason this morning and spoke with a nice gentleman that took all my information and is going to consult with the person that oversees all surgery and then he will call me back and get me scheduled for my biopsy!  I explained I didn't have time to wait for some referral to be processed, I need to get on the scheudle PRONTO. He even said until they do the biopsy, they won't know for sure if it's cancer or not...........so I'm hoping for an amazing outcome here!!  PRAY!!!  LIVE WITH PASSION!

1 comment:

  1. Dawn, Sending up prayers for a clear bridge of communication with ALL people concerned (including the office/scheduling staff), that you will receive the appointments you need in a TIMELY manner and receive the much-needed answers to your questions. Don't just HOPE for an amazing outcome.. CLAIM it! TAKE it! It's YOURS! Standing in FAITH, LOVE & PATIENCE with you in Jesus' Name! ~Di <3
