Friday, July 8, 2011

Vicoden to the rescue!

I typically wake up every morning between 4 and 5 am.  My body is usually hungry and ready for my Special K chocolate and meds to get my day jump started.  However, I do usually go back to sleep until it's time to get up and actually START my was a little different.
For the first time since I've started chemo, I woke up to excruciating pain that had be curled over in the fetal position.  I could barely walk to the bathroom.  It didn't take me long to realize something is wrong and I can't take the pain so I took some milk and vicoden to ease the pain.........which it is.  I can't help but wonder what would cause this much pain so suddenly.  I've decided maybe this is what it feels like when the tumor is trying to detach itself from my main artery.  There, Dr. Dawn has a diagnosis. LOL  Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  However, I will call and notify Dr. Picozzi of this sudden new symptom before it turns into a  habit.  Maybe it will tell him something different??
I have a busy day off planned...........lunch with my former boss/mentor Kevin downtown and then Sylena and I are off to the the Wine and bling party this evening over at Val's house.  Sooooooooooo, being in pain is not an option, so vicoden is coming too! LOL  I had to cancel my last lunch date with Kevin back in June before I started chemo because I was in too much pain, and I refuse to cancel today! 
I've found the people that are worrying the most are those that have not seen me, so I'm really trying to make time for those friends so they can see me doing good, not poorly so they will worry less.  Plus I'm enjoying all the time with friends soooooooooooooo much.  It keeps me happy on the inside!
I have to do a big THANK YOU to Mandy with MeMeandCompany for the complimentary lashes yesterday.  AND she's sporting a new purple wristband for me.  Frannie, my favorite lash girl moved to Utah to find a good Mormon to marry but I have to say, her replacement CJ is wonderful.  CJ is even looking into eyebrows for me so I'm ready if and when that times comes and my eyebrows start to fall out too.  Hopefully I can keep my lashes and brows but I want to be prepared.  She also told me about this charity, FeelGoodLookBetter that helps women with cancer that she also volunteers for that I'm going to go check out today. That shows me she's really a good person with a big heart.  I love her already so if you are thinking of getting lash extensions, please go see CJ at the salon, tell her DJ sent you!  Life is short so why not have big sexy eyelashes that you never had to put mascara on?
I've got some auctions items already that I'm taking tonight to drop off to Sharon.  I still want to make one of my wine cork wreaths so if you have any corks you don't want............pass them along to me so I can get this wreath made for the MY BIG FAT PURPLE BENEFIT! in September.
There's a wonderful day in front of all of us!  I heard a quote on New York housewives last night, "Here's to the small things in life.  At the end of the day, it's the small things that matter most" and I just LOVE that........Luan's Dad always told her that.
So today, do something small for someone and appreciate all the small things that are done for you.  LIVE WITH PASSION (FYI, I have finally put that on my voicemail) ~DJ

1 comment:

  1. Have a great lunch with Kevin, and where should I send wine corks? Hang tough Dawn! - Angie
