Saturday, July 9, 2011

I think I hugged too much last night... port woke me up at 1:30am hurting..........OUCH!  I held off on the vicoden but it kept me up for a couple hours...............UGH.  I think it was from hugging too much at the Wine and bling party last night.  LOL

Speaking of Wine and Bling..........OMG what a spectacular evening!!!!!!!  I was up and present until 10pm!  That's means I'm starting to recover! YEA!!! We had I'm sure well over 30 gals in attendance, some I'd met for the very first time.  I can't describe the feeling a being in a room filled with beautiful women from the inside out surrounded by BLING (one of my many guilty pleasures) LOL  I have to do a HUGE THANK YOU to Terrie Owens for her support on this, Val for hosting, and Scott and Sharon Fox for their facial peel donations.  I'm speechless at the support and willingness from everyone to help me in anyway they can on along this journey.  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!  I mean that soooooooooo much.  I even got to shave Jacob's head and Jim shaved his too, thanks Terri for the help on that!  I don't think I missed any calling as a barber.  LOL  The night was incredibly memorable and I can't wait to share pics when I get them..................all I can say is, WOW I HAVE GORGEOUS FRIENDS! lol My parents showed up to show their sincere appreciation for all the support these girls are passing along to me.  It was just such a night to remember forever and ever.

I have to apologize, I just found out that the Fred Hutch newsletter that I posted was a hoax.  It sure sounded good though. LOL  See how easily we (or at least me) buy into what we read?  I promise I will never post something again without verifying it's origination.  So sorry for wasting your time.  I was all ready to quit eating half the foods I'm eating and even had myself convinced I have cancer because I drank too much milk all my life. LOL  or was it ate too much chocolate?  Don't get me started on the artificial sweeteners LOL

I've decided to create a 12 month inspirational calendar for 2012 that I'll be selling and sending out to my peeps.  Aside from the inspiration, it will also have some coupons for the businesses that my peeps are shining behind!  I think it will be a good thing and then I'll work on a cookbook (thak you Linda for the great idea).  Keep in mind, I still need to sell houses and make a living along this way. LOL  Not sure where I'm finding the time for all this but think surgery will birth the cookbook since I will be out of work for a couple months.  So be gathering up your favorite recipes for me!  I will be asking for one or two of your favorites for a book of 100 recipes.  Some mine, some yours.

I really feel like this cancer is a 2nd chance for me..........will write more on that later.  2nd chances are NOT OVER RATED!  If you get one, JUMP ON IT! (no pun intended)  I have myself convinced I'm living with cancer, not dying of cancer.  Not at anytime I have ever asked any Dr. how much time do I have left (with only 6% odds, I'm sure that's the first question everyone wants to know).  I only wanted to know is how long will this take to beat................failure not an option or even a thought.  HOWEVER, as I am forced to put my financial affairs in order for my sons, it scares the shit out of you!  Preparing to die (just in case) is one of the hardest things I've had to wrap my thoughts saddens you to tears.  I think it's different if you do it now when you are a precaution, but when you know you actually have a fatal disease and that you HAVE to put your affairs in order, it is heart breaking to think of your children having a life without you.  It's a nightmare in fact.  I don't even want to go there, but wanted to make a point to you to write your letters, and get your affairs all in tact now if they are not will be so much easier and not so painful to process.  OK?  Just do it ~ Nike does! So I'm curious, who out there wants my bike that I'm so emotinally attached too, oh you know the one!!!!!!!  LOL

I have to do a reach out to my dear friend, Marty Markey who wants to do a fundraiser at her bank of some sorts so if you have any ideas, please let us know.  She's such an angel!  It was so good reconnecting with her last night, been way too long as with many peeps that I have seen her.  She held my hand the whole time we talked, it was touching to feel all that love from her heart.

Every one of you is this miracle in my life.  Your words, your support of any kind is beyond what I ever thought imaginable in this world.  I hope through my words you can see and feel what I feel............this is a great life, you just have to look for the greatness instead of letting the daily grind distract you from all that is beautiful.  People are sooooooooooooooooo beautiful and their smallest gesture from a smile to a prayer is so profound.  I had no idea I had this much love wrapped up around me, this many people that cared this much that think somehow I'm making a difference in their life, when all I can see is the huge ripple they are putting in mine!  What comes around goes around so give give give as much as you can of have plenty and even more than you think, we all do.

I am volunteering to help American Cancer Society next year at Relay for Life and help educate those that are currently battling cancer.  I should have my book out by then............depending on where I am on this journey.  Thank you so much Robin for the SOS call, I'm happy to give back on this journey!!!  In fact, it is my purpose.

A friend recently called me, and one of her best friends just got diagnosed with liver cancer and is devastated and wants me to talk and coach her.  I'm so touched that she is reaching out to me to help and I can't wait to hold her hand and share all that I have that she's willing to absorb.  Baby steps in the beginning as it's all you can do to just accept the news.

Much love to you all and have a wonderful to Scott and Sharon's for dinner tonight with some other friends so another beautiful evening ahead!  LIVE WITH PASSION! ~ DJ

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