Thursday, August 2, 2012

Through thick and thin

Friends........every one of you reading this is going through some type of battle.  Now you may not think it is as big as my battle with cancer but it probably feels just as big........I know its a distraction and stresser in your life.  I hope you all know that no matter what I am going through I am still your friend and want to be your friend which means being there for you just as much as you are here for me.  Please don't deprive me of the joy of being your matter how sick I am I still love you and want to be here for you no matter what.............through thick and thin.
I recently shared a funny story with my office about living IN the moment as best you can.  My amazing parents are up here from Alabama temporarily to take care of me again with this round 2 of cancer.  They found a cute little studio condo to rent that is not far from where we live.  Sooooo 73 year young Dad is driving my car.....a red convertible.  I asked him one day why he doesn't put the top down and he responded "It would mess up my hair" LOL. We laughed together but I realized at that moment that the metaphor was important enough to share........Life is too short to NOT drive topless!  We really have to rewire ourselves to truly LIVE in the moment and not take for granted that tomorrow will just automatically come.  Why put off till tomorrow what you can enjoy and say to make someones day today?
I also need to reach out and say a ginormous thank you to Chris and Cheryl for my special ring............I think I will call it my journey ring.  I was in tears at the jewelers when he told me of your intervention.  Your generosity never ceases to amaze me and I can not thank you enough for being my family.  Love you more than words can express and will remember that moment you gave me forever........can not wait to show you the ring when it gets here!!! 
Focusing on all the joy you all bring to my life not only makes me cry but inspires me to fight even harder so I can enjoy more memories with you.........Do you think if I write the Ellen show I could convince her to send us all on a celebration cruise to celebrate OUR victory in Novemer or December.  I just need to win the lottery..............wouldn't it be fun to all be on a cruise together?
I know my priorities are different than yours with death knocking on my door.........but I really believe yours should be the same......think about it!! For example what would you do differently if I told you that you would not be here a year from now........or even a month???
I don't think its life I am so inlove with.........its you!  I am so grateful to Val for coming up with Saturdays with Dawn where friends come over from 11am to 1pm and we visit and its just a priceless time together plus it gives me something to look forward to every week.......during chemo the quality of my life is well honestly not too good but friends make the world go round!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You've given me strength with your inspiring words, Dawn, which I will forever be grateful. Love you!

