Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Although I am back to chemo today after  4 weeks off due to blood issues and concerns it feesl good to be getting  back to the grind.  Taking too much time off defeats our mission and allows the tumor to ernergize itself and start to grow again.  My cancer marker is down to 342, up a bit from last week but given I have not had treatment in four weeks, its to be expected.

My mission and Dr. P's is to have this tumor all taken care of so I can get my life back by the end of the year and be the first two imer face of home or come back player of the yeaar for the big gala fundraiser for pancreatic cancer in June of next year.

Thank you to my internet donar I know it will make my life easider when at home being able to communicate from my pc rather than my tiny phone................you have made a big difference and I wish you all the wonderful karma (the good kind)that you can handle.

Is it possible for you to even imagine what it feels like to be in my shoes and know this level and depth of gratitude?  My cancer has  brought out the best in all of you and you never cease to amaze me with your generosity,,,,,,,,,Ilook forward to  returning all that kindess to you when my health is back.

I am back on the chemo track andfeeling the love!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxox

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