Thursday, October 25, 2012

Invisible Stress

While I think I have accepted the cards I have been handed I am quite sure my body has not.  Having cancer is a weight bigger than anything you can imagine.  Even though I try and keep my mind entertained by watching movies....solving murders with all the criminal tv shows or working on my book and real estate business I find my body is still stressing.
I have noticed my mouth will not even when I am sleeping I am sucking in pressure so much that my teeth are shifting.  We all know how much of a teeth person I am so this really is NOT OK.  For every new side affect from chemo or surgery comes a new medication but I am guessing there is no magic pill to vanish the stress.
Cancer patients take an unbelievable amount of drugs to simply try and maintain some sense of normal.  I have 8 perscription drugs and 2 over the counter.  I have become the person I never wanted to date.  You know that guy with a medicine cabinet overflowing with perscription drugs that you sneek a peek of the first time you go to his place.  LOL
Sometimes I think we may think we are handling the stress in our life well but our body tells another story.  Listen to it.
I felt such a sweet victory after my surgery last December that gave me a sense of being invinceable.  I was beyond cloud 9 and beyond grateful for a 2nd chance at life.  That high was so short lived when just a few months later a 2nd tumor revealed itself.  Scary to think that just because they can not see or find cancer does not mean you do not have cancer.........cancer can hide from tests and surgery.  I am in survival mode and so anxious to get back to living mode.  So much of my time is spent physically battling this evil beast inside of me that it is hard to do so many of the things I love.  My body is so tired but my mind is still going 100 mph. LOL
Cancer will physically, emotionally and financially destroy you but you and only you control your will try and mess with you mentally but with some will power you decide your mental health.  My best advice is do not spend any time thinking negative thoughts...........just believe and stay positive every waking second.  When you start to think negative...and you will......reach out to those that love you and believe in you.  They will keep you on track.
Life is shorter than you think.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with that I always hold my stress in I feel it in my shoulders and grind my teeth, my jaws get so tight sometimes I end up with horrible tension headaches and it wipes me out because I don't sleep with all that being said adding what you have to deal with I admire your strength!

    Love ya,

