Monday, January 7, 2013

Radiation Graduation

Today was a big day.  It was my last radiation treatment, forever.  I completed my 6 1/2 week program and it is my understanding you can only go through radiation once in a lifetime.  I am fatigued yet excited to be all done.  Now I get a month off with no trips to the hospital.  I can officially start my rehab.  Oh I know I still have cancer, regardless I plan to get back in shape.  I even joined our little local Maple Valley gym today.  This is really going to be a challenge for me.  I am so used to being strong and when I jump into the workout is with both feet running.  Go big or go home!!  However, that motto will not work now, in fact it will hurt me.  I have absolutely no muscle mass anywhere on my body.  I know only lost weight along with my ass on this journey but I lost even enough muscle to lift 10 lbs.  I do not know if I can even walk 10 minutes on a treadmill but tomorrow will tell.  I am really lucky to be here and even have an opportunity to get back in shape.
Radiation was fun today....they played music that all had JUMP in the title...they took pictures which I will post tomorrow and I got to rign the bell three times!!  I also got a big hug from everyone that has been on this journey with me and a certficate of completition. LOL. I felt like a kindergardener on the last day of school.
My joints hurt so bad, turtles move faster than me, I have constant ringing in my ears, insomnia, headaches, extreme tooth sensitivity, mouth pain and tingles in my fingernails and toenails but other than that I AM ALIVE!!
We do not know if any of my treatment the past several months has impacted PJ, my tumor.  We will not know anything until my next full check up on February 7th.  So my job now is to focus on all things good and forget that I have pancreatic cancer.  Best way to do that is being in the moment LIVING my life on my terms.
I am so grateful for all my girlfriends and son that were my designated drivers so I would not get a DWC (driving with cancer) issue.
More tomorrow with pictures and a gym update!!

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