Thursday, December 27, 2012

Eating or Indulging?

OMG I can not believe how much I have already learned about diet and nutrition.  Since my whipple surgery just a year ago I have had to adjust my diet to 5 or 6 mini meals a day.  Seriously, if I eat more then one cup of food  I get terribly sick and end up throwing up.  Since this second tumor I am having a hard time even with those quantities.  Digesting anything is a major task for my body.  Needless to say I have a loss of appetite.
I am often shocked at the size of our meals!!!!!!  Geez everything is supersized.  When we eat out I get at least 3 to 4 meals out of my one single dinner.  It all makes sense now why most of us are over weight. LOL
I have a new mindset.  A new me!!  I now am eating to save my life.........eating for me is no longer an indulgence.  I can not afford that anymore.  I have been researching the natural foods that are the highest in antioxidants and those that have studies to support that they fight cancer.  I believe the chemo and radiation have jumpstarted me to a possible longer life but it is up to me to feed my body with exclusively healthy choices.
I do not want to overload you with data but do want to share what I learn in tidbits so hopefully you will remember them.
I have put together a list of the top 30 foods that are loaded with antioxidants and help reduce free radicals.  I also have researched the top supplements to fight cancer and then researched the top foods to find those supplements.  It is amazing how God has given us so much from the earth to keep us healthy.........yet we suck the nutrition of out of almost everything and then turn around and buy a pill to get the vitamin and minerals we need.  I am determined to take less pills!!
I hope you all know by now that the FDA suggested requirements do not mean shit.  That is simply the bare minimum you need for your body to will find that to actually be healthy and fight off major diseases such as cancer you better take in a hell of a lot more than the bare minimum.  Some vitamins and minerals are dangerous in too high of levels so do your homework.
I have inoperatable tumor wrapped around a main artery.  My diagnosis??  Death.  However, I want to prove that I can beat that redundant five year benchmark for pancreatic cancer.  I am over a year an a half so hope to squeeze a good quality three and half more years of LIVING.
So something I found interesting was selinium.  It came up as a supplement so I had it on my health store list of things to pick up until I read about brazil nuts.  I only need to eat two brazil nuts a day to get the dosage I need to reduce free radicals and kick this tumor's ass!!  I was thrilled that I did not need to take a pill..........just eat two nuts a day!!  I hope you will think about taking two a day with me.
Jump on this band wagaon with me and lets eat to save all our lives.  Throttle back on your portion more frequently...and choose to only put foods in your body that will fight off cancer.  Say Bye to velveeta and hello vida loca!!
Honestly I can not believe how easy this paradigm shift is....what are you willing to do to save your life??  Please do not wait until your body has a tumor or other disease.
I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and even better my positive results.  I will understand if you can not buy into this just yet and need to see how I beat cancer thru diet...nutrition...and excercise.  Lots of good stuff ahead of us.
Transitioning from a processed junkie to 80 percent of my food intake being raw organic from the earth is a big deal!!  We all know how few fruit n veges I eat but I am drawn to them when I learn what they do......I mean really two nuts a day??  How easy is that?
Next stop...blueberries!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Not all cancer is created equal

Is it just me or do you think it is alarmingly odd that something as common as cancer is not contageous?  Marinate on that thought for awhile and hopefully it will encourage you to think twice before putting something in your body...and be more aware of what you expose it too.  Seriously I am beginning to think there is more stuff out there that causes cancer than doesn't.  I am not saying we need to live in fear of cancer but we should be much more conscience of preventing it.
I had a very intersting meeting on Wednesday after radiation with cancer advocate from the American Caner Society.  I made a confession to her out loud that I want to share with you.  I do not know if it is normal for most cancer patients to feel this way but sometimes I get jealous of other cancer survivors and even patients!!  For example...I met a much older gentleman downstairs in radiation that is on the Virginia Mason radiation/chemo combo from hell treatment. He shared his story and from diagnosis to whipple surgery was 2 weeks!!!  He was doing the combo pack as part of his after treatment and expected to do well from that point on.  I felt cheated that both my tumors have been attached to main arteries so not operable at diagnosis.  I am also jealous of breast cancer and all the money they raise and the awareness for early detection...not to mention everybody like boobies.  There is just nothing sexy about the pancreas.  In fact most people probably do not even know what it does.  I am on a mission to beat the shit out of this second tumor so I can be a voice for pancreatic cancer!!  Both my tumors were found in the month of May...I love May and cinco de mayo but wonder now is it going to be.."Here some chips n salsa and some cancer to go along with that".  I do not know if I am just in denial but there just has to be a bigger reason and picture for this double wammy with cancer and I think it is to be a voice for pancreatic cancer.
I joke around a lot about my tumor and refer to it as my roomate that I will be living with the rest of my life.  It was uninvited by me personally but for some reason my body just let her come on in and make herself at home. LOL. We need to name her...I prefer PJ but am open to suggestions.  Then peeps can just ask me how PJ is doing and I can respond accordingly.  She is a moody bitch I will tell you that right now!! Imagine if you had a tempermental uninvited guest move into your house!!
So on a more informative note...Dr. B is going to look into possibly increasing the radiation dosage daily in an effort to help make it more effective towards my goal.  However, he has to be careful not to put more toxins in my body than I can handle.  I have no idea how he figures all that out but will keep you posted as I learn more. 
Please continue to pray for my miracle........I need PJ to unwrap herself from my artery so Dr. B can go in and surgically remove her.  You are all angels to me holding my hand on this journey.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The straw that broke the camel's back

I am not really sure where to start.  Three weeks ago I started phase 2 an since day 1 my health has got progressively worse.  After two weeks I decided I needed to take a break.  Spending my 50th birthday over a toilet was a big hit for me.  I was so grateful that Tim organized a celebration dinner before treatment got started.  Even though the doctors told me this was going to be very difficult and that I was going to get very sick....I thought I would be different that I could mentally control the physical outcome.  You know that OH it won't happen to me feeling.  Sometimes my optimism is so far out of realty...but that's just how I roll.
After two weeks of being confined to the bed and bathroom I decided to take a week off to try and bounce back with enough strength to get me thru another 3 and half weeks of treatment.  Day after day was the same and I was not bouncing back.  Tanner's big graduation came and went and I was so deeply hurt that I could not be there.  I was so emotional and realized I am missing big LIFE things and that is not OK.
I worry about some of these chemo side affects being the piercing jaw pain that I periodically get.  I am sick of being so sick and not haing a life worth living.  Who cares how long you live if that time is confined to a bathroom?  I had a eureka moment and knew the time has come for me to take charge of my body.  It is mine and the only body I will get.  I met with a different oncologist on Monday and he just helped me confirm my more chemo or interferon.  I have decided to continue the radiation but want to look into more holistic measures to improve the quality of my life.  I have always lived in the moment for as far back as I can remember...but not for the moment.  I always have goals and dreams.
I want to break the five year survival benchmark but not at the price of my spirit.  I love family and my friends and want to make as many memories and inspire as many people as possible.  I can not and will not do it from bed.  I want to concentrate on a healthy diet that includes juicing and get back in the gym after radiation therapy.  I probably can not walk ten minutes but I need to start somewhere and build my strength up so I can be well enough to travel this summer.
Nobody knows my expiration date...not even the doctors.  It might be six months or six years...........but I need to make the time healthy and happy.
I have lived such an extraordinary life and do not want to stop now just because I have cancer.  Cancer is a bully and I refuse to give in anymore than I already have.  I am in control and the one with the power.
If any of you know of any good cancer fighting books using nutrician and natural them to me....this is my path now.
I love all of you for supporting my decision to cease treatment and just savor what time we can spend together.  You all make my world go round.....the love is so just bless my life beyond measure.
I promise to share with you what I learn on this new path in hopes that it might help you prevent cancer in your body.