Friday, November 9, 2012

To everyone with cancer

Although we may have never met I consider you my brother or sister.  We belong to the same family....a family tied together by cancer not blood.  The first thing I want you to know is I am praying for you...praying for a day when cancer will no longer touch our lives. 
I hope you know you did not do anything to deserve this path that you are on.  God did not give you cancer either.  However God will help you win the battle!
We are so blessed to have family and friends wrapped around us to give us strength especially when will feel cancer is beating us.  Cancer may take everything from you physically but it cannot take your spirit!  It also cannot take all the love wrapped around you.
We see the world differently.  I think we should help all those around us see what we see and feel what we feel.  I know it is such a cliche to say live like you are dying and we can do that..........but others may need our help.
Cancer has helped me become the person I have always wanted to be.  I don't sweat the small stuff anymore and my appreciation for everything...even the tiny things has become unmeasureable.  I wish there was a class in school that simply taught an attitude with gratitude. 
I remember when my Mom got cancer...she would email me everyday up until I stayed with her the last 2 weeks of her life.  She would write about all the beautiful things she was so grateful for.  She was trying to get me to see the world thru her eyes.  I did not understand it at the time but I do now.  My mother was the most thoughtful loving woman I have ever known and she credits that to her mother and my Dad's mother. How lucky am I to have such amazing women in my life.
It does not matter how much time we have left.  What matters is what we do with that time.  So LIVE and SHARE as much as you can and more importantly let go of any pain and love unconditionly.  It will set you free!!
I am not looking forward to my next phase of treatment but I know people have survived it before me so to all of those survivors I say thank you for giving me HOPE.
Stay strong!!  You can do this and you are never alone.
God Bless You!!

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